Councillor Don Palmer Providing Local Leadership & Working for You

Unley Council’s survey regarding Unley Oval perimeter fencing attracted a record response. Our admin now must sift through 1400 recorded responses.


Yes! We received 1400 responses. Sifting through these will be a challenge for our administration. It is difficult to imagine they can present a report in time for our August full council meeting.

Unley Oval Perimeter Fence

The survey is the result of a motion on notice raised by Unley Ward councillor, Jane Russo. That motion, back in April, was seeking to develop a concept design and confirm the cost for the installation of a permanent perimeter fence with appropriate public access for Unley Oval for Council’s consideration.

Subsequent discussions resulted in Council (at our June meeting) approving measuring the level of support within the City of Unley community for a permanent perimeter fence at Unley Oval. This included identifying community concerns regarding a fence and likewise the benefits to the broader community of a fence.

With a response rate so high we will have received several well-considered responses, both for and against. We are bound to have received (once again) from both sides of the fence responses that are simply emotive and don’t assist us in identifying the concerns and the benefits. Indeed, I understand that there has been a lot of incorrect assertions made.

Where to from here now that the survey has been completed?

The way I see it, or what I am expecting, is that our administration will present us with a report. If not in August, then in September.

That report will identify the communities’ concerns and their suggestions. I trust, beyond that, that they will offer solutions that address those concerns or qualify suggestions made by our community.

Are there solutions to ensuring that the fence improves the amenity of the precinct rather than detract from it? Is it possible to erect a fence that will encourage passers-by to look at what is on the other side and enter the facility rather than walk past it? What are the funding options? Who should pay for it?

Let us all take a break while this work is being done.