Councillor Don Palmer

What will Black Forest look like in 20 years

With DPA 2 going out to public consultation early next year the focus will be on what form the housing stock will take.

The use of the road network within Black Forest, the subject of the current Local Area Traffic Management review, will likely change well beyond anything the review will identify if the consolidation envisaged for the housing stock, and the Governments plan for South Road both proceed.

There is a high chance that there will be a significant increase in density along Aroha Terrace and near environs. The Emerson area is likely to be similarly impacted. This is a good reason for residents to get involved in the public consultation; to help influence what will happen in these two areas.

Of more significance however is the plan by both parties at State Government level to make South Road a non-stop highway. Check my earlier post today on the announcement by the Feds that South Road, south of Anzac Highway will proceed as promised.
Two things are likely if this does occur.

The first is that a solution must be found for the Black Forest Primary School South Road pedestrian activated crossing. The second is there will be extremely limited access to and from Black Forest onto South Road.

On the latter I encourage all Black Forest residents to acquaint themselves with the State Government’s Transport Plan so they can understand the access/egress challenges they will face. There arguably will be benefits by keeping outsiders out of Black Forest but equally getting in and out will require a change in current methods used by residents.

As far as the crossing is concerned I attended a meeting today with Jennie, and with Deputy
State Liberal Leader and Shadow Minister Transport and Infrastructure Vicki Chapman, Liberal candidate for Ashford Terina Monteagle, Councillor and deputy Mayor of Marion Tim Pfieffer, and  parents of Black Forest Primary School. The meeting was arranged by one of those parents to discuss concerns about child safety for children living in Glandore (west of south road) accessing the school (east of South Road).

DPTI apparently have preliminary investigations into a possible solution, dismissing an underpass as too difficult given all the underground infrastructure in the area. An overpass then becomes an obvious solution to investigate. Investigations, community consultation, detailed design etc does not happen fast on Government however and it may take 5 – 8 years for it to become a reality. Better start looking now if that is the case.

Of course with a possible increase in population density on Black Forest and indeed west of the road in Glandore (adjacent the tram line etc) it may be feasible to consider a new school west of the road.

With a state election around the corner this is a cause likely to gain some momentum in the new year.

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